2011年2月23日 星期三

[分享] 96年台大外文申請入學複試考題


眼看著又到了這個季節囉~拿出來分享一下應該對很多人都頗有用處 XD

台大外文系申請入學第二階段甄試  by Christine Chen

很意外地,題目並不難,算是只要看的懂就一定會寫的題目,和傳聞中難的要死差距頗大的(笑)。但是,題目簡單就等於大家都會寫,這樣其實也沒有佔到什麼優勢就是了 orz

英文作文筆試 09:20-10:20


英文閱讀筆試 10:40-12:00

第一大題 => 普通的閱讀測驗,只是他採用新聞英文,文章稍長。

If It's a Laughing Matter, Call In Julie Hette
    (1) PARIS- Julie Hette wears a serious suit and has a serious job as a receptionist at one of France's biggest corporations. She might even be called a serious young woman- she cries at movies and wants to devote her life to humanitarian causes- but, more than most people, she laughs.
    (2) She laughs at dinner parties and bar mitzvahs and film premieres. She recently pre-recorded April Fool's peals of laughter for a French radio station. She is a professional laugher, as far as she knows the only one in France, not the most giggly country in the world.
    (3) "The French are stiff and self-centered, they are open to nothing. Not to a smile, a laugh. Nothing." This makes work harder but success, more resonant. "I am very wholehearted," she says. "To bring laughter is fabulous."
    (4) She has been hired to laugh in Japan, so triumphantly that she now has a Japanese agent, and she has laughed on an American television program where she was introduced as the "French Toast." It all began in the east of France, where she grew up with a laugh so loud that schoolteachers sent her out of class and friends would say "shut up, you're bothering us." Even today, her mother, when they go to the movies together, sits a few rows away so as not
to be ashamed.
    (5) Then one night she went to the circus and laughed at the clown, who responded by making her laugh again to the point where a whole number evolved and the circus director hired her to come back.
    (6) "I found it wonderful to be paid for what had always been forbidden." To train herself she went on to the Métro to see if she could make strangers laugh, which she did so successfully that she then had to train herself to stop. A voice teacher taught her how to control her breathing and she took an ad in a show biz magazine, L'information du Spectacle, describing herself as a "rieuse professionelle."
    (7) She was 20 (she is now 33) and spent the next five years laughing full-time. "In the beginning I did it everywhere just to show I was a professional. I don't do that now, but if people suggest something interesting I say why not?"
    (8) She has of course read Bergson and also Heinrich Böll's short story about the professional laugher whose repertory is so vast that he has never heard his own laugh. Hette has no repertory but relies on variations of her own megadecibel hoot, which billows in a full throated way and also grates like a dentist's drill. It has, she says, been compared to a jalopy that won't start.
    (9) Her first break came when a woman who had seen her ad hired her to laugh at her father's funny stories at New Year's Eve party. The father was a high-up functionary with a penchant for terrible jokes. Hette took lessons in which fork to use and other branches of Neuilly etiquette, appeared at the grand and stuffy party and laughed herself silly to the host's great pleasure.
    (10) "It was a nice gift that girl made to her father, he was so happy that night," Hette said.
    (11) She has been hired to laugh at the graduation ceremony of France's grandest grande école, ENA, has done a lot of television and has become a fixture at openings of not-very-funny comic films. "This can be tricky because my laugh shouldn't drown out the next gag. In French films this isn't much of a problem," she added.
    (12) One of her early successes came when Paco Rabanne hired her to laugh during his fashion show. "My laugh does have a metallic quality," she explained. In the current French presidential campaign she would never accept an offer from a candidate to laugh at his rival's electoral promises because she won't laugh to offend.
    (13) She has laughed at fancy dinners when the hosts are entertaining a dull provincial client and is proudest of a letter she got from a 75-year-old man who heard her on the radio and laughed for the first time in 20 years. For a while when she was new to the trade she went to the movies Sundays with an elderly man whose laugh was as wild as hers.
    (14) "His laugh was so irritating that he didn't dare go to the movies alone, so we went together and had tea afterwards. It didn't pay well but it was pleasant." These days her fees range from 1,500 to 2,500 francs ($300 to $500).
    (15) A speech expert told her that her laugh cannot leave people indifferent: it often irritates and people say "kindly shut up" or "do you want an aspirin?" Having been told she sounds like a chicken, she went to the Paris quai where animals are sold and laughed in front of a rooster. He crowed back. If she decides to practice when she is alone at a café, people tend to back away, thinking she is a street crazy, but, when she explains she is an artiste all is well.
    (16) Her dream is to be on a crane high over the Place de la Concorde, laughing as infectiously as she can to the crowd below. "To make half of Paris laugh, it would be fabulous."
    (17) But these are hard times. Recently, for training purposes she got on the Métro and laughed, which she hasn't done for eight years. "I realized how hard it is now. People are depressed and constantly harassed by panhandlers. They just aren't in the mood."
    (18) It's just enough to make one cry.

第二大題 => 同第一大題,不過文章在網路上找不到orz…

第三大題 => 分兩部份,皆為選填題,單字較指考稍難一點。

第四大題 => 閱讀一首詩,然後寫出作者所要表達的想法,不得超過150個字

Stop all the Clocks        W.H. Auden

Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone,
Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone,
Silence the pianos and with muffled drum
Bring out the coffin, let the mourners come.

Let aeroplanes circle moaning overhead
Scribbling on the sky the message He Is Dead,
Put crepe bows round the white necks of the public doves,
Let the traffic policemen wear black cotton gloves.

He was my North, my South, my East and West,
My working week and my Sunday rest,
My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song;
I thought that love would last for ever: I was wrong.
The stars are not wanted now: put out every one;
Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun;
Pour away the ocean and sweep up the wood.
For nothing now can ever come to any good

英語聽力測驗 13:15-13:45



1. 為什麼想讀台大外文系:他會根據你的回答內容繼續問問題。
2. 唸一小段文章:當天桌上有三篇,我唸到的那篇應該是摘錄自"超人"的電影簡介XD



